Experience and skills
Assistant of the Department of Children's Therapeutic Stomatology, UMSA, member of the Association of Dentists.
- Modern processing of root canals in temporary teeth, machine endodontics;
- Prosthetics with standard metal crowns of temporary teeth.
- Aesthetic restoration of all groups of teeth with light-curing composites
- Direct pulp coverage, pulpotomy using MTA in temporary and permanent teeth with root formation under local anesthesia.
- Hardware methods of professional oral hygiene
- Work with cofferdam.
- Treatment of children under medicated sleep.
- Removal of temporary teeth.
- Management and analysis of visiography.
In his practice, he uses modern methods of treating children's teeth, specializes in dental interventions in conditions of medicated sleep.
The main task in his work is to find an approach and establish a trusting, friendly relationship with any child.
Constantly develops his professional knowledge and skills, attending seminars and master classes such as:
- Regional scientific and practical conference "Modern methods of prevention and treatment in children's dentistry". 2016
- Scientific and practical conference with international participation "Achievements and prospects for the development of pediatric dentistry". 2016
- "Management of behavior in children's dentistry. Stages, visits, action plan from simple to complex. The action of each member of the team and parents. 2017
- "Carious lesions of temporary and permanent unformed teeth. Prevention CAMBRA (Caries Management By Risk Assessment) approach ". 2017
- The first European congress in Ukraine "Children's dentistry of the future". 2017
- "Treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis of temporary and permanent teeth in children. Dental traumatology". 2017
- "Behavior management in pediatric dentistry." 2018
- "Restoration of temporary teeth in children. Simple solutions to complex problems." 2018
- "Endodontic treatment of temporary teeth" 2018
- "Cariesology". 2018
- "Modern aspects of prevention and treatment of dental caries in children. Prosthetics of milk teeth using Kids Crown crowns. Treatment of teeth in conditions of medicated sleep. 2018
- Children's stories: "Dentistry with Olena Berezhna". 2018
- "Standard crowns in pediatric dentistry." 2019
- "Prevention of caries. Protocols for clinical practice". 2019
- "Vital pulp therapy and current issues of endodontics of temporary teeth". 2019
- Webinar on the topic: "Vital pulp therapy, pulpotomy, pulpectomy in temporary teeth." 2019
- Webinar on the topic: "Shape and color in direct composite restoration." 2019
- Webinar on the topic: "Trauma - answers to questions". 2019
- Theoretical and practical seminar on the topic: "Endodontic treatment of temporary and permanent teeth with unformed root formation." 2019
- "Weekdays of children's dentists. Questions and answers with Antonina Getsman. 2019