Poltava, sq. Nezalezhnosti, 1B
Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 20:00, Sat - Sun: 09:00 - 16:00
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Gum treatment

Timely gum treatment is the success of having healthy teeth

Healthy teeth require proper care, so it is very important to visit the dentist regularly - at least once every six months. A planned visit to the dentist allows you to avoid many unpleasant problems associated with gum disease. Early detection of the problem in most cases guarantees an excellent result with little effort. Periodontal pathology is one of the most frequent and dangerous for the oral cavity. Diseases of this kind may not manifest themselves for a long time, therefore, without a qualified examination, you are unlikely to know that it is time to treat the oral cavity, teeth or gums.

It is highly desirable to get treatment at the dentist at the very beginning of the inflammatory process, as the problem at this stage can be solved by a simple correction of hygiene skills. A dentist will help you learn how to properly clean your teeth, which will allow you to remove most of the formed supragingival plaque, which is one of the main enemies of healthy teeth and gums. In addition, the doctor will perform a cleaning procedure, which will need to be repeated several times to consolidate the result and prevent the disease from recurring.

The cost of gum treatment directly depends on the complexity of the disease. The more advanced the patient's condition, the more effort and time will have to be spent. If the supragingival plaque has advanced further and got under the gums, then without the intervention of a specialist, a person cannot deal with this problem. Modern dentistry offers a large number of treatment methods, so you have to choose the appropriate one in each case individually.

In the case of shallow periodontal pockets, removal of deposits from under the gums can be carried out during professional hygiene procedures. After the procedure, the gum takes an irritated state for a period of two weeks. After this time, the doctor conducts an examination to make sure that the problem of deposits under the gums is over. It is important to check that all deposits have been removed, as an incomplete result will lead to a recurrence of the disease. Prices for gum treatment in this case are lower than in more advanced cases, when the periodontal pockets are large due to the long-term effects of the disease.

With large periodontal pockets, professional cleaning is not enough - you will have to really treat the teeth and oral cavity. Treatment measures are prescribed by a periodontist. The goal of treatment is to protect the cementum of the tooth, as this place is the most vulnerable. Due to the porous structure of cement, all kinds of trace elements get into it, and nicotine deposits settle. Cement cannot be cleaned and polished. Polishing is important for prevention, as the smooth surface of the cementum of the tooth provides more durable protection against plaque. Inflammatory processes subside when the plaque is completely removed. The mucous membrane begins to take a healthy position, pressing closer and closer to the root of the tooth, which causes the reduction of periodontal pockets.

Progressive vector therapy, based on the action of ultrasound, is suitable for sensitive patients. The basis of the method is the effect of ultrasound: a drop of water with a special liquid is applied to the tooth with the help of ultrasound. Plaque removal is perceived as less painful, and this method can serve as an excellent support for periodontal procedures in the treatment of more serious gum diseases.

Gums can be treated with the help of special balms, ointments, rinses and medicines. For patients with low tooth mobility, a splinting procedure can be recommended. The doctor installs special structures that protect against further loosening of the teeth, which can lead to disappointing consequences. The tire is made of wire or more modern optical fiber, and you can get used to it very quickly. Splinting is mostly preventive, and the benefits of this procedure are significant.

Treatment of gums in Poltava can be carried out in our clinic. We help patients of the most diverse profiles: from routine examinations and small procedures for cleaning the gums and oral cavity to the treatment of complex gum diseases. A professional team of doctors will consult you and offer you the best option for treatment. The cost of gum treatment is low, so our services are available to all people who care about the health of their teeth and gums. Do not forget, a timely visit to the dentist allows you to save not only time and money, but also not to face more serious problems.

Gum treatment prices

Compilation of a periodontological map

300 hrn

Ultrasonic cleaning, polishing

1000 hrn

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