Poltava, sq. Nezalezhnosti, 1B
Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 20:00, Sat - Sun: 09:00 - 16:00
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Treatment without pain

There are stereotypes, anaesthesia (so they say, it is correct to say medicated sleep, or sedation) in children's dentistry is a whim of restless parents, and there is no need to spend money on the treatment of milk teeth (they will fall out soon). Both points of view can be called morally outdated. Today, in many countries of the world, dental manipulations in children under the age of three are required by law to be performed under general anaesthesia. Milk teeth can and should be treated. First, because any chronic infection in the body (including caries) depletes the immune system and affects all other organs. Secondly, the premature loss of a milk tooth can lead to a violation of the bite, complicates chewing food and digestion, inhibits the development of speech, often interferes with the socialization of the child. Thirdly, nature has planned the period of our life with milk teeth - so it should be so.

If possible, doctors try to avoid excessive pharmacological load on the body, and if your baby calmly tolerates visits to the doctor and serious dental manipulations, it is better to limit yourself to the traditional approach.

What are the indications for treating teeth in a dream?

  • Traumatic and painful dental intervention or complex manipulation.
  • Increased anxiety of the child (when non-standard situations cause him panic, which cannot be dealt with by agreements).
  • Stomatophobia (previous negative experience with dental treatment, which leads to a strong fear of visiting the dentist).
  • Impossibility of using local anaesthesia (allergy to available anaesthetics from this group).
  • Treatment of teeth in children 1-3 years old.
  • Treatment of several teeth simultaneously.
  • Pronounced vomiting reflex.
  • Examination and treatment of "Special child" - a disease that complicates interaction with a small patient.

There are a number of contraindications to the use of sedation in children in dentistry. Here are the main ones:

Any acute infectious diseases (including acute respiratory infections).

  • Recent vaccination.
  • Chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract: bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma.
  • Body weight deficit.
  • Heart defects and heart failure in a child.
  • Allergy to drugs used for general anesthesia.

All these contraindications are relative. This means that after the treatment of the underlying disease or a certain period of waiting, it will still be possible to cure the teeth under medicated sleep. In outpatient practice, only those children whose health condition is beyond doubt are accepted for treatment. We are open for questions and consultations!

Prices for dental treatment in a dream

Consultation of anesthesiologist

0 hrn

Medicinal sedation for a child

One hour

3000 hrn

Two hours

5400 hrn

30 minutes

1650 hrn

Medicinal sedation for an adult

2 hours

6900 hrn

1.5 hours

5250 hrn

1 hour

3450 hrn

30 min

1750 hrn

Mask (severan)

from 1100 hrn

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