In your opinion, does the brand represent quality?
In your opinion, does the brand represent quality?
We believe that this is one of the important factors in achieving success.
In our work, we use materials of only well-known, time-tested brands that meet the strictest quality standards. Thanks to this, the doctor is confident and calm about the work done, and the patient can smile and enjoy the taste of his favorite dishes.
We are glad to announce that we have in our arsenal implants of the Swiss company STRAUMANN. Now patients with difficult conditions for implantation, concomitant pathologies will be able to receive help and be confident in the prognosis of treatment that will improve their quality of life.
The material of these implants is Roxolid, and the SLA and SLACTIV surfaces combine super strength, biocompatibility, osteoinductivity, which gives almost 100% positive results even in diabetes, tobacco smoking, bone deficiency, poor bone quality, etc.
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Dentistry "Ideal" — we always move forward to perfection!