Poltava, sq. Nezalezhnosti, 1B
Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 20:00, Sat - Sun: 09:00 - 16:00
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Implantation of teeth

Implantation is a technological breakthrough in prosthetics

Dental implantation in Poltava has a long history. For the first time, an implant was placed in the "Ideal" clinic about 10 years ago. At that time, many patients and doctors were quite skeptical about implantology, but many years later, many professionals increasingly prefer dental implants.

The very expression "implantation of teeth" is somewhat incorrect, because it is not a tooth that is introduced into the body, but a material of non-biological origin. Most often, these are titanium implants of a cylindrical shape with screw notches.

In terms of prosthetics on implants, one-stage and two-stage implantation can be distinguished. When choosing one-stage dental implantation, prosthetics is possible a few days after the procedure. If a two-stage procedure was carried out, then we will talk about prosthetics in 2-3 months. In many respects, the terms of dental prosthetics on implants depend on such factors as the type of bone and mucous membrane.

Prices for implantation in the "Ideal" clinic vary greatly. The fact is that our dentistry works with many implant systems, the purchase price of which can vary many times. Therefore, the cost largely depends on the choice of system. This makes it possible to satisfy a wide range of patients. It is worth mentioning the fact that additional interventions may be required in each individual case: sinus lifting (raising the floor of the maxillary sinus in order to increase the volume of the bone), gingivoplasty (creating new contours of the mucous membrane), osteoplasty (increasing the volume of the bone).

Before dental implantation, additional methods of examination are carried out: X-ray diagnostics, computer tomography. These procedures are needed in order to determine the volume of the bone and its density. The length and width of the implant will depend on these indicators.

Why dental implants anyway? .. The biggest plus is that if one tooth is defective, we don't need to process two adjacent ones to fix the bridge-like prosthesis. The possibility of replacing large areas of adentia without the use of removable or conventional structures. And the most important thing - you can forever forget about the discomfort of a complete removable prosthesis.

Prices for dental implants

OSSTem implant, Korea

from 20000 hrn

Straumann implant, Switzerland

from 30 000 hrn

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